Coming from the remote region of Norway in the very north of Europe, Fjord Horses were, for centuries, mostly unknown out of their home land. In their home land people appreciated and loved fjords dearly for all that they are able and willing to do. They were honored by showing them as one of the national symbols of Norway.
The invention of the automobile and the invention of the airplane changed the whole world and brought nations nearer to other nations. So it was just a matter of time, that other horse lovers became aware of fjords.
What makes fjord horses so special?
For sure fjords are one of the oldest and purest breeds of the world, dating back over 4000 years. They have subsequently been selectively bred for over 2000 years.
They have a striking resemblance to the horses painted on the walls in caves by Ice-Age Artists some 30,000 years ago. They have retained until today their wild colour (Brown Dun in shades from white to honey brown and Grey) and you can see the primitive markings which include zebra stripes on the legs and a dorsal stripe that runs from the forelock, through the mane over the back and into the tail.
The great value you find in fjords, is their nature. They are known for their willingness to work, a charming and noble character, great vigour and stamina.
Did you know...
- That fjords were the first horses setting hoofs in North America? It was around 1000 BC with the ‘North Men’, the Vikings.
- That fjords are willing to work in the woods, as 4H mounts, as driving horses, for dressage or jumping, as well as trail riding.
- That fjords perform as top competition horses in sanctioned equine events like FEI level dressage, advanced level ADS combined driving, elite carriage driving and AHSA approved hunter shows…often taking first place!
The present-day wild horse, the Przewalski horse, may or may not reside in the evolutionary path of the Norwegian Fjord Horse, but the physical resemblance is obvious.